Unlocking Mississippi's Community Empowerment Initiatives

Discover how Mississippi's economic development organizations are helping build attractive communities for businesses through community asset development initiatives. Learn about grants available for non-profit organizations in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi.

Unlocking Mississippi's Community Empowerment Initiatives

Mississippi is home to a wealth of resources that can help economic development organizations build attractive communities for businesses. Community Asset Development and Incentives teams work to identify areas of opportunity and connect ODEs and companies with the right resources. To do this, they develop and implement community outreach programs, including social and community awareness initiatives. These programs are created in collaboration with local civic and community organizations to promote their mission and strengthen social capacity in the communities they serve. Mississippi Power is also working to create strong partnerships that allow them to better understand the needs of their customers and their communities.

The Mississippi Black Women's Roundtable (MSBWR) is a statewide intergenerational civic participation network and the women's and girls' empowerment branch of the National Coalition for Black Civic Participation (NCBCP). This organization advocates for equitable public policies on behalf of black women and girls nationally and across the South. The state also offers grants to non-profit organizations in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi in eligible counties to benefit the community. These grants are designed to encourage community economic development, support construction, non-construction, technical assistance, new ideas, and creative approaches to promote economic prosperity in struggling communities. Additionally, Mississippi provides a wealth of opportunities for its veteran communities, such as transition services, job training, and recruitment. ASPIRE Mississippi bridges the gap between local business leaders, economic developers, stakeholders, and the communities they are part of.

This organization works to develop leadership and social capacity to support planned development and a better quality of life. The Mississippi Black Women's Roundtable (MSBWR) is also dedicated to promoting women's economic security by advocating policies, increasing civic engagement and voter participation among black women and girls, developing transformative leaders for building long-term movements, and participating in community outreach and rapid response projects. The Mississippi Development Authority (MDA) offers several development programs to businesses in Mississippi, helping them to become pillars of trust in their communities. The MDA works with the state legislature to promote laws that govern and direct the trajectory of Mississippi. The Mississippi Women's Economic Security Initiative Coalition is made up of partner organizations such as the Mississippi Black Women's Roundtable that demand that women have economic security. Finally, the Community Development Foundation is a member-based organization that has been working to promote the community through partnerships and growth initiatives for more than 70 years.

From community participation programs to federal incentives, communities can position themselves as one of the best investment options.

Lionel Wright
Lionel Wright

Amateur twitter evangelist. Hardcore beer guru. Avid food trailblazer. Amateur bacon aficionado. Incurable web guru. Award-winning twitter aficionado.

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